Freddie H describes two points of call on our day out...
Note: I have been ordered to bring dry wit to this post, so let's see what I can do.
The first point was a turtle sanctuary. It was flippin' adorable (if you see what I did there). Our tour guide had fifteen years of experience with the flippered cuties, and it showed!
The sanctuary was located next to a famous turtle beach and looks after turtles until they can actually survive at sea, or forever if they are injured.
But let's get to the tiny weenie turtle babies.
They were kept in these big vat-type dealies. Just look at them all! A couple were really enthusiastic, and soared through the water like tiny torpedoes. And a few just sat in the water chilling, like they were in hammocks or something, uncaring for what was going on around them. There for the grace of God go I, turtle babies.
One of the big tubs had turtles just for looking, but there was a second vat full of a different species of turtles that we were definitely told the name of. But the main point was that we could pick up the turtles in the second vat! You can tell that Alannah is just trying so hard to keep back a massive grin.
... Ok back to the pictures of us with turtles.
On the site, there were a number of older turtles. While the majority were there due to medical reasons, the one below, being modelled by Nick, started flipping his flippers at random points until the tour guide tickled his neck to make him chill.
The turtle is just looking at his pen in the picture below, wondering why there were so many blue shirted giants milling about. You can see that the turtle has just finished sighing in resignation.
When holding the turtle was offered, Faye stood up to the plate, and got some great photos with the grumpy looking turtle.
Chelsea also got involved, and the turtle began glaring at the camera, as shown below.
Also, shoutout to the tour guide (centre, orange/grey/black shirt), I (over on the left, looking like a muppet) and Thivanka (centre, pink shirt) for successfully getting involved in this photo for no reason at all.
Ellie was the final soul to brave the grump-turtle, bar James Paus, who obviously got final dibs due to the whole 'turning sixteen thing'. And the turtle has just thrown in the towel at this stage.
On an unrelated note, Ellie ate a banana today. Just felt I should mention, what with the not eating a banana until now in five years.
And then we got back to the tiny midget baby turtles. Emma was at the forefront of the turtle holding sessions, successfully securing a turtle by the name Jeffrey.
A message from Emma: Hope everyone enjoys the picture of my cute baby turtle Jeffrey who was the coolest little dude!! Just a quick one to say Happy 50th Birthday to the most amazing Mum in the whole wide world! I miss you so much and so wish I could be with you to celebrate your birthday. Hope you all have a fantastic time on your surprise trip and I will think about you all lots. Thanks for being the most incredible Mum ever and I miss you and love you more than words! Love to all the family. Xxxxxxxx
Of course Yasmin got her own adorable little friend which she had to say a heart felt farewell to at the end of the stay.
Names were given to each of the turtles that were picked up, and the turtles had never received such attention.
Also, blurred Yasmin face at centre-left.
Joe got stuck in and worked out a pretty efficient way of calming down some of the more vivacious turtles. It involved the stroking of their throat. They would promptly stop all attempts to flip away, and would (I like to imagine, if they made noise) purr.
You can actually see that the turtle Joe is dealing with now is gleefully lying back to allow a ness ier stroking pattern. And of course Ella would want to take a picture, because it was totally adorable.
Nick was fairly effective at holding onto the turtles and stroking them... I mean, more effective than most.
This is an up close image of the turtles that we were petting. I am still surprised at how cute some tiny cold blooded amphibian can be. I mean just look at them!
A slight tonal shift now.
After the turtle sanctuary, we visited the memorial for the lives lost during the Boxing Day earthquake and subsequent tsunami in 2004.
The memorial had been mostly created by Japanese contributors, and is a great example of many cultures working together for the greater good.
The whole area was really thought provoking, especially when you think of the damage that still persists along the coast of Sri Lanka.
The Buddha statue was a fairly great reminder of the teachings of Buddhism, of acceptance and good will among men.
Which are fairly important morals, especially today.
Many of the ruined buildings from the tsunami have been left as monument to those lost.
We also visited the famous railway on which 1500 people lost their lives when the tsunami hit.
We were speechless in contemplation for a few moments, before the cameras of course came out to (I hope) pass on the morals that have been learnt.
Just a final image of James and I gazing out to sea.
Because over dramatic shots are always great.
So we had a pretty interesting day. Some sad things, some happy things. But all the things were worth thinking about.
And it was a great birthday for James as well.
A lot to think about...
(Just a personal message here. Hi mum. Um. Yeah. The zappy thing is pretty cool, seems to work. Hope everyone is alright. Is Charlie doing anything useful. Haahahahaha. Nah just kidding. Tell him that the drive through Negombo was like the opening to Farcry 2. He will know what I mean. Lots of love, Freddie.)
Oh yeah, this was Freddie Hoare.
Wow Alannah good to see you are all getting out and about a little. And no before you ask we are not replacing the dog with turtles neither am I going to big up the new garden for a pond I don't care how cute there are. They will never be as cute as you :-) like what I did there daughter. Hope you are having a great time and not missing us all to much:-). Sending all our love Mum Dad and the sleeping lazy dog xxxx
ReplyDeleteWell I hope you put all the turtle babies back - did they check your pockets on the way out? How heavy were the big turtles? Now Flora - and Natacha - please don't try that at home - it is against regulations (and common sense).... Hope you have had a productive day on the project today and some fun this afternoon. Dad still keeps asking about the elephants and when are you going to see them and if there is a programme for your building project (he means a bar chart/timetable). Do you think I should organise a day trip to Longleat!??? Have a good evening all of you. Where you are staying looks extremely nice by the way. Actually I expect you are all fast asleep. Lots of love Flora - oh yes talking of sleep and if you can't sleep (which I am sure you can) you count sheep, when I was coming back from Salisbury today the entire herd of sheep from the field behind Amport School was on the top road - they had escaped and so there were about 15 cars stopped trying to get them back into the field..... I am not sure what happened in the end as they ran off into the woods and I came home. There were no sheep around when I got Sholto to drive me up and down the lane later on - I am extremely brave (letting him drive me, no confronting some quite small lambs). Enough of this xxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteJust to let you year 11 leavers know, the Rookwood Prom made it to page 25 of the Andover Advertiser. Plenty of pictures of you all in your best bib & tucker.
ReplyDeleteJimbo, you looked particularly suave!! hahahahahahaha!! :-)))))
Looks like a great day out and I didn't have to play Where's Georgia? although a smile would be good G - u look v grumpy. All fine at home but the house is quiet (but tidier) without you. Ed and Theo say hi and nanny just pesters the life out of me to 'check that blog thing' for sight of u. Oh and loving that natty blue trousers/BK trainers look - wear some sandals!! Xxxxx
ReplyDeleteFirstly, well done on your camera dodging, however,convincing your Mum that the reason for your lack of photo presence is not because you are convalescing in a local hospital having fallen from the third floor is proving increasingly difficult.
Secondly, those trousers are sartorial brilliance! If you come home without a pair for me you may find we have moved.
Clearly, we are all missing you dearly. Your Mother has started to fashion a small boy from wood and detritus found in the garden. I must admit it is a startling likeness! She likes to talk to it but it's no substitute; there seems to be a great deal less backchat than the real thing. Alex has started to plan how to best make use of the extra space in your room and is, as I write this, rifling through your collection of DVDs. For my part, I have become an adept on the 'longboard'. Some of the local types in the skate park have commented on a particularly impressive 'Ollie' and my 'Nose Manual' or 'Hang Ten' as I remember it being called is a sight to behold. Must go now, I have an underground slalom race in an hour.
Chin up, big nose!
By the way, turtle soup is delicious!
ReplyDeleteHow many baby turtles does it take to make a bowlful?
DeleteAll of them!
DeleteGreat blog Freddie, something for everyone; humour, fact, local colour and drama. As for the pic of you and James, it looks ripe for a photo caption completion; James to Freddie: how many bottles of water did you drink today?
Wow Joseph. All that cat stroking has got to be useful. Btw I obviously meant Mirabelle in a previous post. Sorry I think I've lost some marbles since you've been away. You seem to have had an awesome day. I haven't seen turtles since I was a little girl in Malaya! What an experience. Lovely to see photos of you. Thank you whoever did that. I nearly dropped Russell's beautiful chocolate cake when I got to Alan's but rescued it from sliding off my car! Phew. Alan says "Hi" and has been reading all your blogs. He's finding the blogs very entertaining and wishes he was there too (with working legs obvs). Lots of love Darling. Love you more and most plus one and NO returns. Mummy xxxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Katie. Lovely to see photos of you! It's looks like hard, hot work but you're obviously all doing a good job. You'll be pleased to hear Ellie passed her driving test! We are all missing you lots and lots although its very quiet without you! Lots of love from daddy, mummy, Hannah, Henry, Cody, Monty, Benji and the fish! Xxxxxxx ps Henry says hi x
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHey Freddie H - great blog - had us in giggles. You have always loved turtles and tortoises -do you remember your soft toy - Shelley? Have you told the gang about the Babies? They are eating tons at the moment - well half a bag of salad and a tomato! Cleo is relaxing on her chair as usual so not much changes. Charlie has been sleeping in your room as we prep his for decoration but he will be happy to get back home so don't worry that he will be squatting when you get back.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day tomorrow - Miss you. Lots of love. Mumx
To Freddie B, looks like you've had a great day, just don't get too carried away with those cute turtles, we dachshunds are waiting
ReplyDeleteJust awaiting Martha's return from Germany, she tells us she has learnt 2 things a) never eat a pizza from a German kebab shop and b) she's not doing Herman beyond AS'
ReplyDeleteShe's not doing Herman or German!
ReplyDeleteA wee personal note to Alannah .... thank you so much for the beautiful flowers, what a lovely surprise when your mum turned up this afternoon - I was thrilled to bits xxx take care and enjoy the rest of your trip x lots of love x Marie xxx
ReplyDeleteGosh how cute are those turtles! So pleased to see the photo of you and Jeffrey, Emma xxx thank you for the lovely birthday message x so excited to be off on our trip tomorrow but will miss you lots x auntie Donnah & I are thinking up lots of ways to celebrate with you when you get back x Lucy & Bobby are looking after Max & Jack so don't worry x I also had a nice card from Leanne with an invitation to afternoon tea next Sunday before you come home.... Love you lots xxx
ReplyDeleteGreat photos and witty commentary Freddie, with a particularly subtle transition. Everyone is positively glowing with good health and happiness in the pics, although your hair is looking a little flat Jake; perhaps it's the humidity!
ReplyDeleteSchool's out! A very 'smooth' end to the term, despite the absence of so many key members of staff.
George Shrapnel delivered some rather special gifts today and I have one for you Mrs Speed and for you too Mr Barnes.
Am really enjoying following the blog. Thanks for keeping your devoted fans so well informed.
Mrs Cumpsty x
To Robert,
ReplyDeleteWe hope you're working and playing hard and having a wonderful, if exhausting, experience whilst having lots of fun. We are enjoying seeing the photos and reading of all your exploits. We send you much love.
Nana and Gramps. Xxx
Hello everyone, it's so exciting to see the pictures of your sight-seeing and the hard work you're undertaking.
ReplyDeleteIt really looks amazing. Of course you are missed here but we are all looking at the blog, and Edie is commenting on the pictures. We are glad the banana phobia is over Ellie!
I have to confess that you all seem far more adept than me and Dad with this technology.
We have 18 Scouts and their leaders camping by the barn this weekend. They are going on a 40 mile bike ride today, and are just barbecuing their breakfast. Edie says "love you big sister and I'm going on a airy plane tomorrow neow..." We are busy packing.
Hope you continue to enjoy the experience as much as the news and photos indicate.
The Patrick/Rea family....
Hi Everyone. Excellent blog Freddie. Great photos too. Looks like an amazing day out. Aww those turtles are so cute - don't even go there Yas - no more pets and don't even try the " well Scarlett had a puppy for her 16th birthday!" All is well back home, lovely weather but not as hot as where you are I'm sure. Have a well earned rest this weekend and a really fun time. X
ReplyDeleteHello Freddie B, as your family cannot be bothered we are continuing our commitment to update you on activities at home. 'The Martha' is back with hilarious stories of her time in Germany, we are being cuddled again now she is back, Kitty has her induction day for her job tomorrow (heaven help them). Hope you have a fantastic time this weekend. Love from your favourite members of the family cc
ReplyDeleteHollis, cute turtles, maybe you can snick one back for mum's birthday (only joking....)