Today we spent our final day at the work site - hurrah!
Just like at school let's start with the highlight of the day: break times.
We are served ginger tea, bananas and biscuits. Today, Mr Knight had obviously been saving all the best biscuits until last; needless to say they did not last long.
It is interesting to people watch at break time. Some people sit and relax in an attempt to restore their energy levels.
The teachers look on .......I wonder what they are thinking?
Today was an opportunity for painting. Many students are now adept with the paintbrush. Sadly, this skill will remain in Sri Lanka.......
Alannah posing with her paintbrush.....luckily she was wearing white trousers!
Freddie removing nails from the floor. He is making excellent use of the Ikea tea towels - they make good sweat bands and protect him from the prying camera lens.
Joe and Hollis happy in their work.
Georgia and Flora 'manfully' accepted the challenge of cement mixing. Did they have sneaky training before coming to Sri Lanka because they were excellent mixers? In the relentless heat on the top floor this was not an easy task. I saw Mr de Silva, the site manager, having a quick word with Flora - I think he was offering her a job!
Meanwhile down on the ground floor sandsifting continued. This has to be one of the least favourite jobs on site.......apparently it's therapeutic!
Today there were also lots of roof tiles to clean up. Not only were they covered in dust but we also unearthed lots of insect life......not a job for Chelsea and Alannah!
More sandsifting.....Robert looking on in a supervisory capacity?
Ethan working out!
Robert still supervising.......
Now showing them how it's done......future management material here surely?
Back to break time......Yasmin looking cool with her fan whilst Joe just looks hot.
Some members of the group take a moment to discuss the meaning of life.
Whilst others stare into space.....
Chelsea prefers her battery operated fan whilst Mr Pool takes a well earned rest. He moved three times as many tiles as anyone else today - respect!
Katie - smiling through the pain.
The locals look on in amazement.......will this be ready by Friday?
Mr Barnes demonstrating his brush strokes, halfway up a ladder, balanced on the staircase. Yasmin was responsible for holding the ladder......brave man! James fashioned an extension to his paintbrush....ingenious!
As requested Hannah a workplace selfie. Excuse the triple chins!
More sandsifting ......there's that tea towel again!
Jake beavering away.
Now for a challenge, can you identify these feet after a morning's work?
And these?
Many thanks to Mrs Clarke who is our resident blogmeister. I am sure that you will miss these daily updates. The students are having a great time working, and playing, hard. I write this after we have been thrashed again at cricket but we were victorious in the football match. They are coping well with the heat and the food but be warned.....many are already fantasising about their homecoming meal!
It is great to see the students thrive in this challenging environment.
Hannah, I'll be back on Sunday. Get the Hoover out!
Oh my goodness, that looks like hot, dusty, hard work. That's a really interesting blog and you are all working so hard in humid conditions. Well done guys. I hope you all feel extremely proud of yourselves and after your visit to the 2012 site you know that your endeavours will endure. Joseph, I'm immensely proud of you and I love the photo of you with Hollis (he's still smiling). It's lovely to see you working hard but apparently enjoying it. All of you have done so well. Nice photo of Mrs Speed but I couldn't find the extra chins? I will look harder!!
ReplyDeleteThe little bananas brought back so many memories. Joseph they were your Grandpapa's favourite. I think the Malay word is pisang, although where that came from in my memory store I have no idea!! I find all the photos very evocative of my childhood. It's making me quite nostalgic. I miss you so much Joseph and can't wait to see you on Sunday evening.
Love to everyone and especially to Joseph. Love you loads, Darling, plus one and no returns. And love from Russell too. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Good to see you are still all working hard to get your fantastic project finished on time. But, and it's a big but - we are reaching crisis point here, these characters you have left in charge here have no idea how to look after us, we have not played a computer game or been on Skype to Rory for ages, and no one bothers to walk us. It is essential you return as soon as possible and restore our normal level of service. We await confirmation of your return. Meg and Stella
ReplyDeleteFlora, glad to see you are putting your building construction skills to good use. (Rendering starts here on Saturday - no, it really does).Hopefully the signing you learnt was correct and did not lead to to too many horrified expressions....
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the postcard which arrived today. Given all you are doing we really are amazed you found the time to organise it. Two brilliant blogs - did you get offered a job?! Remember there is one waiting here for you...
Sholto wants to know why you were playing netball rather than cricket .... . Love from us all - enjoy the next stage of your trip - as if you need telling to. xxxx Mum, Dad and the boys xx
You have all achieved SO much in just 2 weeks! Congratulations to everyone involved - we hope you all feel proud of the contribution you have made to improving the lives of those you have met. Plus, it looks as though you have had a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteRobert - we hope this experience is one that has given you wonderful memories and and an incentive not to become a sand sifter!! Lots of love, Nana & Gramps. XX
Well done everyone, so much hard work and incredible work but still able to smile for the camera (well most do) which brings me onto Georgia. Congrats to u and to Flora on what must have been a backbreaking task in all that heat. Now THAT's the sort of work that justifies eating a double pack of Snickers, G, not a whole day webbing and texting!!! Seriously, very very well done all - go Rookwood!!!! Love you and miss you G. Xxxx Mum
ReplyDeleteAnother excellent blog. Really made me laugh when I saw jake staring into space.. Must be the heat and exhaustion. How hard everyone has worked. We will so miss looking at the blog when you all come home, perhaps a few more weeks are in order? But the coke, beer and chocolate in the fridge are all calling! By the way, if you are looking forward to getting out of the heat on your return, there's a heat wave in the UK with temperatures set to reach 30 degrees on will be home from camp for you all!
ReplyDeleteWell Alannah a turn up for the books seeing you with a paint brush in your hand the shed could do with some attention when you get home ;-) and then when the house is finished being built you could use your new fond skills to good use both Mum and I reckon. Only kidding you Larnie pants. Been at Farnborough Airshow today at the trade fair side it was interesting and tell you all about it on Sunday. Missing you and looking forward to seeing you again Honest xxx
ReplyDeleteOutstanding supervision. I see they finally caught you working on camera; quite an achievement...
Things all good here. I am sure Alex is missing you because he keeps asking when you are coming back. Mind you, he could also be asking because I have told him he can't watch any of your DVDs without your permission.
I am the longboard king! A race has been organised later tonight for 'pinks'. Not sure what they are but they sound delicious! I have excellent odds so I intend to clean up. I am so far unbeaten. Since the race is all about speed and I haven't worked out how to stop yet I am thrashing the competition. I have convinced everyone that my uncontrolled screaming is actually an adrenaline inducing warcry. So far, so good. I'll keep you updated.
Great blog yet again, and terrific photos. Regarding the 'spot the feet' competition, I think the first pair belong to Nick (the accompanying legs are certainly hairy enough to be his! :) )
ReplyDeleteIs it me or did the '2012' work much harder than you?
ReplyDeleteAnother fantastic blog. Well done everyone, another day's hard work completed!
ReplyDeleteI bet you are all excited looking forward to the Opening Ceremony tomorrow, enjoy seeing the results of your hard work :-D
Fab supervision there Robert (really, really pleased to see you) but I was pleased to see you getting stuck in too!
See you very soon!
Love Mum. Xx
Can't wait to see you Will. The fridge is stocked with chocolate and coke. Congratulations everyone a huge achievement by all, we'll miss the blog x
ReplyDeleteWhat a great blog! Well done everyone for such a superb achievement.
ReplyDeleteHave a safe journey back home and a well deserved rest once back. Best wishes x