Thursday, 10 July 2014

Happy. birthday James!

The girls got up early and decorated the breakfast room with balloons and banners.
James liked his new tee shirt - this isn't for working in James!
Today was a non working day, we visited a turtle rescue centre (more cute pictures in next blog). James was invited to hold one of the elderly residents.
We then moved on to Galle and the famous Ramparts Hotel where we had a special lunch for James and Nick overlooking the sea.
Back at base there was a delicious cake waiting for us to enjoy.
This was definitely a birthday to remember.
Happy Birthday James!


  1. Looks like a truly memorable day James. Glad to see you're still looking after the elderly; that reminds me, Mrs Drumsfield needs her lawn mowing. We noticed you're still not eating your crusts!
    What a fantastic visit to Galle, well worth all that hard work eh?
    Mum, Dad, Fifi, Teddy, xxxxx

  2. Hi Ella
    Looks like you might be surviving the heat and curry. Would be good if you could look at the camera as dad doesn't seem to recognize you if he can't see you face. Must be an age thing. We are off to Devon for a couple of days where, contrary to Mr Barnes wishes, we are hoping to predicted thunderstorms don't lower the temperature.

  3. Happy Birthday James - the cake looked delicious - does the bakery do overseas orders? Galle looked fun too - now back to work! We are glad the project is close to the coast as the sea breeze must be very welcome. But you all look like you are coping brilliantly with the humidity (which I would not for one...) in fact you all look very cool, calm, self-possessed and unflustered - even by Sri Lankan bowling! Best wishes to you all and love to Flora - Sholto says well done on your sixes Flora - your Sri Lankan 'lost ball' has not turned up in our garden despite strenuous searching! Flora's mum xxxxxxx

  4. Happy Birthday James (and also Nick for earlier in the week). Hope you all had a great time with the turtles and that the building work is going well. Emily - you are missing out on catering for the Collingbourne Cricket team this weekend (anything to get out of doing it!!). Spent all morning trying to get you, Ella and Yas 5SOS tickets - sorry I don't have your magic touch on ticket booking sites cause I am old and grey. Love Mum, Dad and Coco

  5. Hi Joseph, We are missing you so much. I hope it's going well and that all the mozzy kit is working. All is good at home. Russell is working hard and I've been to Aqua twice this week. I'm going to London tomorrow for another school reunion lunch. Cats are very well and keep looking for you! Love you loads plus one and no returns. Mummy xxx

    (Mrs Hutchinson)

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  8. Not sure what's going on here sorry but thank you very much Emma for the thoughtful surprises you left for my birthday x really lovely x love you so much and look forward to celebrating with you when you come home x

  9. Hello Emzie Auntie Donnah here (again)! Thinking about you loads, enjoy your adventure. Love from Grandma too! Xxxx

  10. Hi Joseph. Me again! I think I've got the knack. Russell wants to know how you are doing. We need more pictures of you!!! It's very quiet without you. I'm just off to Portsmouth with a chocolate cake for tomorrow's lunch. One of the girls is having a birthday and Russell's cake is beautiful :) It's been great weather here and I'm hoping it's a manageable heat where you are. Please say 'Happy birthday' to the two birthday boys. How exciting for them! I'm getting excited about France. And can't wait to see you home safe. Lots of love, Sweetheart. Love you loads plus one and no returns. Mummy xxxx

  11. Hi James, Teddy here. I see you've made a friend, can you smuggle it in your bag so I can hold it? Mum's been baking cakes all day cos it's the Falkland fete and Fifi has a stall selling her tie dye tshirts. Dad has a new contract with Boeing and we hope we get lots of free flights! Maybe we'll be able to visit Sri Lanka. Also I have 3 new nerf guns so we can have a fight in the garden when we get back. Also James, Fi has been sleeping in your bed, I think she wants to change bedrooms. Miss you, love from Teddy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (16)

  12. To Robert,
    We hope you're working and playing hard and having a wonderful, if exhausting, experience whilst having lots of fun. We are enjoying seeing the photos and reading of all your exploits. We send you much love.
    Nana and Gramps. Xxx
