Saturday, 5 July 2014

Sri Lanka 2014...the adventure begins

On Thursday afternoon we met for a final run through and suitcase check. Once all of the admin was over parents, friends and colleagues joined us for tea and cake.

The cake was baked by Burbidges and it was delicious.
Time for a last minute group photo before we headed home for a few hours sleep. James is missing as he only just got back from D of E
See you early in the morning!


  1. Thanks for all the organisation. And the cake was delicious. Mrs Speed I wish you luck and god speed. To all the staff and Mr Knight, this is such a special trip and you've worked so hard on behalf of our children. I know it will be hard, hot work and I hope you will be able to enjoy it. To the children I wish a whole variety of valuable and memorable experiences. It will be awesome. To Joseph - you will be greatly missed and we look forward to hearing all about it in due course. Please eat and drink all your supplies! Remember Marmite is a great bug defence. Safe travels all of you. XXX
