Monday, 14 July 2014

Safari Time

To quote Jake, today was "more exciting than Christmas" so here he is with his report of the day...
As you can see in the picture above everyone was very exited about the experience of a life time ahead, but what I sadly didn't realise is the faces I was pulling as Mrs Clarke took all of her secret pictures to capture us, "in the moment".
Our grouP, as you can see above, was me, Becky, Flora, Natasha, Tom and Fred but he was a bit camera shy as none of us looked our best after only a short sleep before our 4am start!
This is Mr Pool's group ready for the adventure ahead! Everyone was tired and worn out at this point but the anticipation seemed to keep everyone from falling asleep, everyone but Freddy who looks like he is catching a bit of shut eye with his shades in in this picture.
This is the group Mr Barnes has to deal with, they all seem to be pretty calm here, but this is a rare occasion! However Ethan looks clueless as usual, I still don't think he knows where he is!
This is Mrs Speed's group near the watering hole full of water buffalo, they all seem to have huge smiles whilst the amazing rangers took pictures of the whole group for us. They knew so much about the wildlife: able to spot a family of chameleons in a bush that none of us could even see close up,let alone far away, on a fast travelling jeep!
This is my great group! Our team MC, the nickname we invented out of boredom in the airport, everyone seems to be really happy here towards the end of our safari trip, other than Tom who just looks confused! Here you can get a great representation of how fast the wind was as the jeep was stationary at this point, just imagine it racing down at dirt track at what felt like 50mph! Becky's whole face went numb.
Here is a picture of a normal buffalo, you can tell this as they don't have curly horns, but other than that both water buffalo and buffalo just stay very still, some even looked dead they hardly moved!
Here are some water buffalo with their really cool horns, but as usuall not really doing anything! However, I remember this picture really well as this guy was chewing away. It was hilarious the way that they are completely still other than their bottom jaw churning away!
Here is a laughing bird, no idea why they were called this other than maybe that they looked funny when they run around with their spindly legs, I don't even understand how it can support itself!
Here was the main attraction of the day, elephants. Some were huge in size and height, with ginormous ears and big, long trunks which they used to pick up the hundreds of kilograms they have to eat of grass a day! I was surprised how close we got to them and how unaffected they were by our presence, they just went about their business as we all leant as far as we could out of the jeeps trying to take the best possible pictures.
We also saw really small baby elephants which were really, really cute! According to the ranger this little guy was about one month old, he was running around but was stopped cluelessly running into us by his mother. However this pack of elephants were only about 4 metres in front of us it was amazing, when starting the safari I never knew we would be able to get that close to something that amazing!
Here is the parent hiding their little child away from all the cameras everyone pulled out, I'd say this was the best moment on the whole safari as it is something I just would expect to see so close and they acted so natural; it's the first time I have ever seen an elephant and I was definitely not disappointed!
Half way through the day we sat down to have some lunch (actually breakfast but it felt like lunch!), it was in a plastic box with one egg, two sandwiches, some biscuits and a yogurt. But we were told , "like Antarctica you have to take everything away you bring in," so yes, Mrs Willcox we are paying attention to the geography!
After lunch my group got moved into one of the great jeeps! These were the ones with a bench and an open top roof compared to the others which had reclinable seats! I think everyone preferred the open top jeeps as you could sit on the edge and experience the danger of dodging trees whilst feeling like you were going 200mph!
There is so much wildlife here it is incredible. Here is the macaw - there were so many other amazing birds and animals but, sadly, there wouldn't be enough space on this blog to write about them all!
We also saw some really cute stray dogs out in the huge safari park, however sadly most of them looked really skinny. The dogs were all bouncy and happy especially these two dogs who followed my group in and around the safari the whole day and it was sad to say goodbye to them!
This was a part of the safari park, it was huge in size and was the same view for miles and miles: one long winding river with thousands and thousands of dead trees surrounding it! In this area we didn't see many elephants but we saw lots of birds and even a crocodile!
This here is a majestic heron, I never knew they had such long necks but I learnt so much about animals from our ranger over the hours we spent with him, we even heard a peacock being eaten by a snake, sadly mum this can't happen at home!
Here is a huge elephant skull, it was sad to see but also very impressive because of its humongous scale! But I've got to say it was much more impressive to see a live one!
Here is another one of the amazing birds in the safari park, these were always really difficult to spot because of their green camouflage in the mostly green trees and bushes around! I can remember the ranger would be pointing out animals and we all would be peering into the bushes clueless as to what he was looking at!

Here are the water buffalo and buffalo again catching a cool bath in water hole, suprisingly today was probably the only day I didn't want to join them in there: one, because there was also a crocodile but the breeze outside and standing out on the jeeps actually made me feel cool and not in agonising heat like most other days.
Here are some more elephants again, these were just so awe inspiring to see and to witness them in their natural habitat! I'm surprised there aren't 100 more pictures of elephants here because every single one was amazing and I think myself I took about 200!
Here is Flora, as usual living dangerously, sat on the bars at the top of the jeep as it hurtled down the bumpy dirt tracks, but however sometimes we were all asked to hop off the bars as the track got seriously bumpy in some parts!
Here is a little chipmunk having a nibble at a ginormous jack fruit which was growing in the safari village hotel that we stayed in for our overnight accommodation before the safari, the amount of rare trees and birds in the hotel grounds was amazing. I was kept up most of the night by animal sounds but I didn't even mind!
Here is a picture of the accommodation at Safari Village Hotel, it was a bit nicer than our work accommodation but I have got so used to my rock solid bed back in the hostel that I could hardly sleep in my comfy bed in this place!! We had two amazing meals here and apart from the scrambled egg and toast in the Oasis Beach Hotel, didn't come close to yours popa. They were the best two meals we have eaten since we got here ;it was Chinese both times and all but the noodles were amazing. We all devoured our food and completely drank the hotel dry of coke and fanta as we haven't had it in a while! Sadly, we didn't get to stay in this place long so we didn't get to appreciate all of its great aspects but I was still sad to say goodbye to my double bed and sadly back to my single!
Overall the experience was amazing and something that I'll never forget as it might be my firs, and last time, seeing some of those amazing animals! It was something I was excited for before the plane even landed in Sri Lanka and I was not let down by the amount of amazing animals there but also the surroundings, a million times better then you can see in England!
Here is Me, Tom, Holis and Fred but he is again managing to avoid the camera! As you can see our eating arrangement was very fancy, it even looks like Holis is eating off the seat! Whilst I ponder into the distance!
Just a quick message home now, hope everything is going well with the family and I hope the dog walking holiday was a success and it didn't rain too much in England and grandma could come down and enjoy it with the rest of the family! Hope you aren't missing me too much Pat. Oh, and mum , dad wanted you to make sure there was lots of beer in the fridge for when he gets home and can you stock up on lots of chocolate, and I mean lots.
Dad also wishes the family the best but I think he is off painting now.
Love you all lots, Jake.


  1. Top blog and some good photos. Beats a day in the office any day!

    Jimbo, are you going to top up the computer with terabytes of elephant pictures?

    Anyway. Enough fun. Get back to work shifting / sifting sand. ;-)

  2. Wowzers, a rare sight indeed - a pic of 15 year olds smiling broadly, including Georgia, that is quite something. That looked like a terrific day out and the accommodation looked like something out of a movie! As with all the updates, really well thought out update and comments too - well done everyone. Oh and Ed has now gone through your bedroom G and taken all the stuff he likes - only joking!!!! We miss you!!! Xxx. Mum

  3. Lots of elephants Chelsea we didn't see many here. This time next week your amazing Sri Lankan experience will be over and you will be ready to start your kenyan year.
    It is very hot at the moment and we all got burnt at the pool yesterday.
    We have new neighbours now that are lovely and they have the cute set little girl ever so I gave volunteered you as babysitter for them.
    Dad is busy at work thus week so that he can have lots of time off when you get here to do list more safaris.
    Where I ran my half marathon we might be booking a lodge to go somewhere different and we will also go to shabba to see the monkeys and crocodiles.
    Then maybe a weekend in Nairobi to see the giraffe and elephant orphanage before the girls go back.
    Have loads of fun babe
    Love you mum and a pregnant cookie

  4. What a wonderful blog. Very well done. I love the descriptions of all the animals with the accompanying photos. It must have been a fantastic experience for all of you. Well done for bringing it all to life for us back home. I so look forward to each read and have been re-reading all the blogs. Thank you to all of you for giving us such vivid impressions of what you are going through. Joseph there isn't much to report here. BUT the weather has been great (too hot for me). Verity doesn't seem to move much during the day. Mirabelle disappears during daylight and comes back when it cools down. Russell has been working a lot and is featured in an article on Perks in the Andover Advertiser- 2-page spread no less! T&D had a great holiday. Ron has just had his 60th birthday. We all miss you. I'm so happy you've had this opportunity. And Joseph I am so proud of you for taking part. Love you loads plus one and no returns xxxxx

    1. Joseph and Hollis - the shirts are crazy, wild, fabulous. I adore them. And Hollis the hat is very cool, as is your lovely smile. Enjoy. Have a great day all of you. I can assure you we are all hanging on every word so blog away as much as loss. Josephine/Mummy ( to Joseph only! Lympoanr) xx

    2. As much as POSS (sorry)

  5. Great blog Jake! Whoever is taking the photos should enter into photographer wildlife of the year competition- well done!!
    I can't believe you have all done so much in 11 days, I guess it's back to work now to finish the centre.
    I love reading all about your antics - it's the first thing I do when I get up!
    Ethan, we went down to San Steff last night, Christos says hello, he could't understand why you were not with Morgan and I think it got lost in translation somewhere. Needless to say the food it still amazing - off to Agni tomorrow to get some chilli cheese dip for you. yum yum
    Lets see how Morgan fairs as anchor man on the boat!! Love you loads and miss you. xxxxx

  6. Amazing Blog. I love reading about all your adventures here. The pictures are brilliant and it certainly looks like you had a Very Big Adventure this weekend. Love seeing the wildlife, including the lesser spotted rookwoodians. I must say though that the rookwoodians does not blend into the background as well as the local wildlife, mainly due to the frequent displays of shiny white teeth in those huge smiles. Looks like you had a fab trip, and no doubt, when you read this you are all completely knackered after another long days work.
    Knuser Mor, Far og Rødemis xxxx
    P.S. How are those extracurricular danish lessons coming along?

  7. Safari looks fantastic, good to see you've got the telephoto lens on the camera James, your smile says it all! The accommodation at Safari Village sounds brilliant and the picture made us all feel very envious. Well Teddy has today departed on his own adventure with the school. Not quite as much packing as yours, but one very excited boy! Fi now has peace and quiet to practise for her piano exam this Friday. I guess it's back to work for you all now and preparing for the Opening Ceremony - good luck and keep going. Working in that heat must be exhausting, I only did an hour's gardening yesterday and had to come in for a lie down. All our love, Mum, Dad, Fifi and an absent Teddy xxxxx

  8. Thank you for a fantastic blog. So informative. The pictures of the elephants remind me of my time in South Africa - although the Sri Lankan elephants have much smaller ears and no tusks. Is there any reason why there are so many dead trees? Wildfire? Pollution? it seems so strange when compared to the lush vegetation everywhere else. Looking forward to the next instalment - what will we all do when you are home with no blog to read over breakfast. Joe, it would be lovely to see some more photos of you. Lots of love Dad, Julia, Hooba, Max and Lucy.

  9. Wow looked great. Brilliant blog and photos. Wish I was there too! X x

  10. I would firstly like to commend you all on doing such a splendid job on the blog it's fantastic. The pics are amazing and you all seem to be having such a wonderful time. Loving the crazy pants Alannah just think if we all knew they were available we could of saved hours shopping in Southampton before you went. Nothing much to report at home weather is great lovely and warm ( probably no where as hot and sticky as there), tomorrow hopefully off to Farnborough as the company have a stand there so off to drum up business and bore ourselves by talking about aircraft all day. Well Alannah enjoy the last week and looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. All our love Mum and Dad xxxx

  11. Hi everyone - the safari pictures are great and it must have been great to see the elephants in the wild. Perhaps some that you saw had been released from the Elephant Transit Home. Still sunny here - I'm off to do a bit of jungle clearance as the garden pretty much resembles the Uda Walawe National Park - plenty of wildlife, but not as exotic as the elephants! Love Mum (Dad, Matt, Maria and Gran) xx

  12. We have loved reading the blogs which must take a lot of doing on top of everything else you have to do (including washing clothes!). Thought elephants could not get any nicer after seeing the ones in the transit home - but the ones in the Park were adorable. Also some very good photos - good enough for a wildlife photo comp especially the one beneath the picture of a laughing bird. Who took that? Love the photos of you, Flora, however you seem always to be wearing the same things which begs the question as to why we had to acquire so much stuff 'for the trip'! We expect you are getting ready for the ceremony tomorrow - we hope you are keeping a record because so much has been packed in you will never remember it all to tell us unless it is written down. How;s the maths going? Sunny here - Dad has taken Sholto fishing - Archie has gone for a run and I am going to try to get some decorating done though I think we have run out of food again ... please do not bring a baby elephant home as I will never cope with its milk consumption. Have fun - by the way what does 'living dangerously as usual' mean? xxx Mummie xxx

  13. What a fantastic day, many memories made for you all.
    The accommodation and food looks/sounds fab! I hope none of you were too hyper after all those e-numbers?! Alex hopes you're happy.
    Robert I've just got rather excited food shopping! For the first time in over a month I've been able to buy goodies for you to eat! And yes mint matchmakers were in the trolley! Counting down the days until we see you!
    Take care! Lots of love, Mum, Dad & Alex. Xxx

  14. Robert, It's good to hear what you are up to and sounds like you are working hard. It looks like you are having fun and interesting trips, great memories will be made. I'm wondering how many of you will want a turtle as a pet or want to adopt an elephant when you return. Stay safe and keep up the hard work. Am very proud of you Robert and jealous! Love Aunty Kirsty. Xxx

  15. Hi jake, fab bog; great photos and super commentary. Any chance you could sneak the peacock eating snake back home with you? I have a cunning plan! Josie and I thought a nice curry Sunday night with green tea would be a gentle reintroduction back to the UK, but if you insist we will stock the fridge with beer, coke and chocolate. Pat spotted your trousers in the blog photos and said could I pass on a message to say could you get him some too? Josie and I are having a rain free holiday in cornwall. The dogs have loved the sea and josie has enjoyed all the walks I have dragged her on. Can't wait to see you both on Sunday and hear all about your adventure. Hope you really enjoy the rest of the week. Love mum and josie

    1. Sorry jake meant blog not bog! I haven't got my glasses on and have had a glass if wine. Josie just giggled.

  16. Wow you guys are so lucky, what a great day you've had. I agree, the blogs have been fantastic, I look forward to my daily visit. My day seems quite ordinary and dull by comparison! Keep making those happy memories, can't wait to hear all your stories. Mr BoJ are counting the sleeps until we see you Emma x love you lots xxx
